Five Circet employees awarded diplomas by the Minister for Social Cohesion

At the 6th edition of the Assises nationales de la fibre optique (national fibre-optic conference) in Aurillac on 5 April, the Minister for Social Cohesion in the Regions Jacques Mézard awarded five Cirect employees their very high speed broadband telecoms works diploma. The event was organized by the Cantal Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the National Training Centre for very high-speed broadband.

Congratulations Anthony Gavarri, Eric Rangheard, Jordan Fernandes, Julien Roucan and Stéphane Van Dijk.

This year the National Training Centre for very high-speed broadband created by the Cantal Chamber of Commerce and Industry celebrated its 7th year of existence. With diplomas developed in partnership with businesses and with more than 300 trainees throughout the sector every year, it has become a national benchmark.