A label for calculating overhead infrastructure loads

In September 2020, the Circet Academy was recognized by the LEINA association (Labellisation des Entreprises d’Ingénierie Aérienne, or label for overhead engineering companies) as a training center for calculating overhead infrastructure loads. Circet’s training center is proud of this recognition and, despite the pandemic, has already trained 72 people on CAPFT software, 97 on COMAC software, and 156 on field surveys and low voltage with support from Orange and Sépale, respectively.

Founded by CREDO, Orange, and Enedis, the purpose of the LEINA association is to support skills development in the optical fiber sector, specifically for calculating the loads of overhead infrastructure owned by Orange and managed by Enedis.

This label is a recognition of the Circet Academy’s commitment and skills training for fixed network design and load calculation, in particular.